
Simmer Speed Demon

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C’è lo zampino dell’amico Aurelio Verdi, dietro queste tavole Speed di Simmer Style, ed il nome Speed Demone è tutto un programma :

Simmer Speed Demon from Simmer Style on Vimeo.

The Speed Demon board is a state-of-art speed machine, designed to go 50 knots or faster! Designed by legendary shaper Aurelio Verdi with one objective only, to break the world record. The main characteristics are extreme high speed going, lift for rocket powered acceleration and stability when going in a straight line. The performance has already been proven by riders such as Zara Davis who set a new woman’s world record in Luderitz with a 46.49 speed average over 500m. Mikkel Asmussen set a peak speed of 52.05 knots with 49.40 knot speed average over 500 m.

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